Monday, April 30, 2007

Baby Day

Baby Day is an exciting time at our church. We parade the children 3 and under across the platform with their parents and take a picture with Pastor and Mrs. Sexton. It is so exciting! This year we had right at 100 families with their children. It was a beautiful thing! I am sure the pictures will be able to be viewed on the website,

I also had a yard sale this weekend. That was also exciting, in a very different way. The exciting part is getting rid of some JUNK! We had a lemonade and cookie stand for the girls. It was a cool, rainy day so we didn't really sale very many cookies but they did seem to disappear??? I took a few shots of the kids at the stand. They loved it!

Cassy and Morgan pretending to eat and drink :)

Abby, the President of the business (of course, she is the oldest and must be the boss)

Every good business must have advertisement!


The Pepin Family said...

Wow, you're really on it this morning! Love the pictures from the yard sale. Great lemonade/cookie sign. :O)

Hope you have a great day!


Joy said...

That looks like fun. One day, Jamin and I stopped for some little girls who had a lemonade stand. The cups were 50 cents each. It was so cute. The drink was warm, and they only filled up the cup about a quarter of the way. :) So cute.